Saturday, November 19, 2011

It was a very scary night. and i'll fart in your house. it was a kind of scary night and i'm scared to buy tampons. it was not a scary night and i'll drink all you beer ounces. it was an unassuming night and i'll avoid you like the plauge and i'll go and get hay fever at some concert that will elude me in the mornings to come casue it's vauge, just like the morning sun if you don't leap out your window with a scarf and wrap it around that sun and pull it down and eat the fuck out of it. son where did the sun go, say son, I did the scarf thing and then i ate the fuck out of it...well you better make sure you get to school on time, I don't know how long you'll be laid off trying to digest the sun, but if your not to school on time there will be serious repercussions. sly smile on the guy who is the sun who ate the son, for he knows his mother can't threaten the sun might not rise tomorow. If he regurgitates it then it will, but without him so we don't wanna do what we did before. so let's let the son have his sun, I bet it will do a body good. and this boys and girls is a case of worst case senerio actualizing to be just the start of more good things to come and having the only actuality change, brought about by doing things differnetly and eating the stars. i just need some kids for these amazing bedtime stories. i'll find some tomorow, they seem to be everywhere.

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