Sunday, November 13, 2011

we're not trying to be understood. we're trying to have people see what we want to be by learning about ourselves through other people. and that's when the you and me gets blurred. and that's the alchemey of relationships. so it's not entirely selfish becasue nobody is ever a single solid entity energetically. and stuff. lately I've been eating grapes with and onion and raw applae cider vinegar. if you were to ask me how it is I'd be like, "it's good it's good" like when someone asks you how life's been and it feels like the question stabbed you in the belly button, casue your still battleing, with "the life" and all. But I really do like that meal, how I arrived at it is a whole other story and sometimes if the energy of the story will not be met by an audience that has ever experienced the energy levels that brought you to be extremely weird, then it's best left unsaid. or so I've been told, as I was simultaneously learning that. Casue that's how life works, it all comes together at once, and it helps if you put yourself in your selfs no specific time. that's when the magic happens. no spell check tonight, this is creative interpretation. there are heroic intentions on sketchy paths

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